An NLC member for two decades, I have chaired both the Club’s Membership Committee and, from 2020-22, the Board of National Liberal Club Ltd, which manages all the day-to-day operations of the Club, runs its various services and also employs all the staff.
After graduating from London University in Sociology, I joined the NHS management training scheme and went on to run clinical and other services in a number of major hospitals mainly in London. I also worked as a tutor for the healthcare thinktank, The King’s Fund. Board- level experience has included voluntary (non-executive) directorships in
housing, social care and the arts.
For the Liberal Democrats, I was President of the South East England region for six years and my wife, Rosie — a former LibDem mayor of Woking and retired nurse — is also a Club member and a constant support. For relaxation I am a keen gardener and dog walker — both offer space to ponder Club matters too! (Jamie joined the Club in 2002 and was Chair of NLC Ltd from 2020–2022.)