Wednesday Luncheon Circle – Illustrated Talk by Guest Speaker- Simanti Dutta-BOOKING NOW CLOSED
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
The Wednesday Luncheon Circle meets on the first Wednesday of each month, to enjoy a convivial lunch followed by a speaker. Topics are wide-ranging and offer the chance for a lively, friendly and informative get-together.
Guest Speaker – Simanti Dutta, who will give an illustrated talk entitled Princely India: Palaces and Pleasure Gardens, Mosques and Mausoleums
Simanti Dutta is a historian, author, collector and traveller, currently researching and writing on Princely Portraits in British India.
She holds a Ph. D from the University of London and is a Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society, London, and a Member of Oxford University.
Her publications include: Imperial Mappings, Remembering the Khyber and Idyllic Kashmir.
£32.50 – includes talk and two-course lunch