Wednesday Luncheon Circle- Booking Now Closed
12:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Imagining an Equitable Future: Culture, Creativity and the Arts
Sunny Singh is a London based writer and academic. She is also Professor of Creative Writing and Inclusion in the Arts at the London Metropolitan University.
Singh is the author of three critically acclaimed novels and two non-fiction volumes. Her essays, short stories, and columns are published worldwide in key journals, anthologies and media outlets.
She is the founder of the Jhalak Prize for Book of the Year by a Writer of Colour, the Jhalak Children’s & YA Prize and the Jhalak Art Residency.
In her various roles, Singh is a champion for inclusion across all aspects of society, especially advocating an intersectional, decolonising approach the arts.
£32.50 – includes talk and two-course lunch