Political and Economic Circle: EMERGENCY DEBATE AND DINNER
6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
Wednesday 30th March 18:00-19:15
Invasion of Ukraine by Putin’s Russia
Distinguished Speakers include:
- Sir Evelyn Webb– Carter Major General of the British Army
- Orysia Lutsevych—Chatham House – Head of Russia and Ukraine
- Lib Dem Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Leyla Moran (invited)
- Marcus Ryder –Chair of RADA and Lenny Henry Centre at BU and former Head BBC Scotland
Question and Answer session open to all NLC Members.
Chair: Inderjeet Singh-Nijhar (PEC)
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81553076186?pwd=V2lZYVJXbzd1SDlON0czT2pWVTZIZz09
Meeting ID: 815 5307 6186
Passcode: 331776
Dinner in the DLG at £32.50- booking required
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