NLC Literary Circle – Young Adolf by Beryl Bainbridge
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Join the NLC Literary Circle for the next in the series of their regular book review discussions. This month the nominated book for discussion will be Young Adolf by Beryl Bainbridge. The event will be hybrid, however in-person places at the Club will be limited so please contact the Circle at nlcliterarycircle@gmail.com to make sure they know you are coming. Otherwise please use the Zoom links below to access online.
Paranoid, wilful, lazy, the young Adolf Hitler turns up in Liverpool to stay with his brother Alois and sister-in-law Bridget. Hailed by Alois as a student and an artist, Adolf soon irritates his family beyond measure by his constant sponging and his tendency to get into serious trouble with the English. Surely this is a young man who will never amount to anything
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