NLC Literary Circle – Stamboul Train by Grahame Greene.
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Join the NLC Literary Circle for some lively discussion on this month’s chosen novel, Stamboul Train by Grahame Greene.
Carleton Myatt meets Coral Musker, a naive English chorus girl, aboard the Orient Express as it heads across Europe to Constantinople. As their relationship develops, they find themselves caught up in the fates of the other passengers and drawn into a web of espionage, murder and lies.
The NLC Literary Circle meet’s every 5 – 8 weeks and would love to welcome new members to join bookish discussions on fiction and non-fiction, poetry and prose, ancient and modern from around the world. For more info please contact nlcliterarycircle@gmail.com
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Meeting ID: 862 2058 5431
Passcode: greene