Kettner Society Concert: Beethoven’s Big Anniversary Part 2
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Join the Kettner Society for Beethoven’s Big Anniversary Part 2, a follow-up orchestral concert to last year’s 250th anniversary celebrations. The Kettners have assembled an impressive line-up of performers including the Mitsu Trio, Philip Dutton, Ben Westlake, and the Kettner Philharmonic, who will be playing some of the German composer’s most celebrated works. The programme will feature the Coriolan Overture, Triple Concerto and four movements from the Symphonies. There will also be a premiere performance of a specially commissioned work by British composer, Philip Dutton, which is fittingly dedicated to former NLC Chair, Janet Berridge.
For further details and to book please contact Yisha Xue and Ben Westlake at kettnerconcerts@gmail.com