Air Force Women – Reaching for the Skies
6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
Join the Defence & Security Circle at the Club or via Zoom as Eurasia Analyst Ilayda Nijhar conducts a fireside chat with two leading women from the RAF and Turkish Air Force. Contemporary NATO challenges of gender, drone technology, contested airspace and mission uncertainty will feature in a candid and fascinating discussion.
Air Commodore Suraya Marshall ADC is the Commandant of RAF College Cranwell. A navigator in her early career, Air Commodore Marshall is now responsible for the next generation of RAF officer training. Lieutenant Colonel Asli Senol is a senior fighter jet pilot with a long and distinguished career in the Turkish Air Force that has included deployment to the Baltic region.
Join members of the DSC for dinner following the talk by contacting Chair of the Circle Noel at noelhadjimichael@gmail.com
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