Our membership is made up of a diverse range of individuals and professionals from all walks of life, bringing together a wide range of interests and hobbies. Over time, these enthusiastic members have developed their own clubs and organisations that host regular social and networking activities.
Bridge Circle
The National Liberal Club has a very active and enthusiastic Bridge Circle that meets regularly. Comprising old and new members, the Bridge Circle keeps the passion for the French card game alive and can be joined as a pair or a single player.
Chess Circle
The NLC has a very friendly and informal Chess Circle that welcomes players of all skill levels, particularly new beginners. Meeting regularly to play, socialise and meet players from other Clubs (and play at them too!), the NLC Chess Circle is the perfect place to embrace one the world’s most absorbing and fascinating games.
Cricket Circle
The NLC Cricket Circle was formed to encourage members with an interest in Cricket to discuss, debate and watch our Summer sport together. They have a mix of ages and gender represented in the circle. All are welcome to join.
The Cricket Circle’s signature envelope events happen before and after any major English Test series. Members make predictions in a sealed envelope before the series. They meet after the series to discuss predictions. These events are a fun way to get to know each other and discuss cricket.
Golf Circle
The NLC Golf Circle has been in existence for over 100 years. They arrange fixtures where golfers of all abilities can play the game and hold internal competitions, as well as playing other London clubs and societies at other courses. They also play two fixtures a year in Paris against French clubs.
Shooting Club
The National Liberal Club has a very proactive and sociable Shooting Club for members with an interest in clay pigeon and rifle shooting. Shoots are arranged around London and the home counties and no prior experience is necessary.
Snooker Circle
One of the clubs oldest circles, the Snooker Circle dates from the very earliest days of NLC. Started in the 1880s, the Circle members meet regularly in the Club’s Billiards Room for friendly games, as well as competitive knockout matches, as well as running a ladder. The Circle also raises a team which competes in inter-club tournaments.
The National Liberal Club has a very active LGBTQ+ Circle that acts as the meeting point for all members with in an interest in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and other gender-related topics. They also meet regularly for social gatherings and other events.
Political and Economic Circle
Founded in 1888, the NLC’s Political & Economic Circle is the club’s oldest circle. They regularly meet to hear from some of the most stimulating political speakers of the day. Past speakers have been as diverse as George Bernard Shaw, William Beveridge, Field Marshal Montgomery, Tony Benn, Enoch Powell, Sam Wannamaker and Robin Day.
Tuesday Table
Tuesday Table is held in the bar every Tuesday from 18:30- 20:00. A table is always reserved for an evening that provides the ideal opportunity for members, new and existing, to meet other NLC members. We enjoy lively conversations in a relaxed and friendly environment that builds camaraderie and network opportunities, whilst getting the chance to hear more about what is happening at the Club.
Wednesday Luncheon
The Wednesday Lunch Circle meets on the first Wednesday of each month (except January and August). Lunch is followed by a speaker covering a diversity of subjects and is followed by questions and discussion. This Circle is one of the longest standing of all the Club’s institutions.
Thursday Table
Thursday Table is held in the bar every Thursday from 18:30- 20:00. A table is always reserved for an evening that provides the ideal opportunity for members, new and existing, to meet other NLC members. We enjoy lively conversations in a relaxed and friendly environment that builds camaraderie and network opportunities, whilst getting the chance to hear more about what is happening at the Club.
Liberal Democrat History Group
Founded in 1993, the Group promotes the discussion and research of topics relating to the histories of the British Liberal Democrats and its predecessor parties, the Liberal Party and the SDP, and of liberalism more broadly.
Women’s Network
The Women’s Network aims to raise the profile and activity of women in the National Liberal Club with all members, not just women. Every Tuesday evening they host Tuesday Table from 6.30 pm until 8 pm where many new and existing members meet for a lively exchange of views about a wide range of issues and topics. The network also runs a series of informal talks.
Sustainability Forum
The NLC Sustainability Forum provides a forum for those interested in the Sustainable Development Goals a chance to meet, connect and pitch ideas to improve sustainability across the globe. A monthly discussion club is held the first Thursday of every month, and expert speaker events are held throughout the year.
Business Forum
The NLC Business Forum provides friendly networking and social gatherings that give the chance for members to meet with other people from the business community. A variety of activities are provided each year, including talks from expert speakers and occasional visits to workplaces.
Commonwealth Forum
The NLC Commonwealth Forum keeps members up to date with developments from around the Commonwealth and organises lectures, seminars, diplomatic receptions and visits to Commonwealth countries. Welcoming diplomats and members interested in the Commonwealth, it is the perfect environment for learning more about the Commonwealth and its latest developments. To find out more, including all the latest news, updates, and events, please click here >>
European Forum
NLC European Forum keeps members up to date on with developments across the 50+ countries of the continent of Europe, the EU 27 and the 20+ non EU countries of Europe. To find out more, including all the latest news, updates, and events, please click here >>
Fourscore Circle
The Fourscore Circle was founded in 2002 by the late Stephen Bonarjee, the pioneering producer of BBC programmes such as Panorama and the Today programme. The Circle is for NLC members aged eighty and above and it meets for lunch twice a year in the Spring and Autumn.
Orpington Circle
The Orpington Circle originated at the National Liberal Club in 2008 to celebrate the famous by-election win of 1962 and to support parliamentary by-elections. The focus of the re-launched Lib Dem Orpington Circle is to enhance the profile of the Liberal Democrats at the NLC through events of interest primarily to Liberal Democrats, though all are welcome, and to raise funds through the NLC for winning further by-election campaigns.
Wine Committee
The NLC’s Wine Committee carefully chooses all the wines for the bar and dining room and is proud to have one of the best value and widest range lists in Clubland. Hosting several wine or spirit tutored tastings a year, the Committee helps members enjoy every bottle.
Younger Members Group
This group holds various events throughout the year, both at the NLC and with other London clubs. For members and guests up to the age of 30.
Liberal Democrat Friends of Whisky
The Circle exists to foster a better appreciation and understanding of whisky amongst Liberal Democrats, and to raise modest sums of money in the process to support the campaign efforts of the Liberal Democrats in the Orkney and Shetland constituency.
Liberal Democrats in Business
The Circle holds networking events, speaker meetings and dinners for businesses that support, or are sympathetic to the Liberal Democrats.
Wine and Spirits Circle
The Wine and Spirits Education and Appreciation Circle provides a forum for members of the club to develop their knowledge of wines and spirits. We will run events throughout the year and we welcome any member who has a keen interest in wines and spirits and is looking to develop their palate and share information and knowledge with fellow oenophiles. Events will include talks and tasting events at the club, external tasting events, wine certification courses, and trips to cellars, vineyards, distilleries etc.
Not-So-Younger Members' Group
As an offshoot of the Younger Members’ Group, this group is for members and their guests aged between 30 and 45. They meet for socials and other events in celebration of the countdown to becoming middle-aged.
Liberal International British Group
The British wing of the world federation of liberal political parties. Founded in 1947 and headquartered in the Club, Liberal International has become the pre-eminent network for liberal parties and for the strengthening of liberal democracy around the world.
Defence & Security Circle
Successfully launched in October 2020, the Defence & Security Circle is committed to offering early evening events (always online and often in Club) for busy professionals and members. We seek to offer quality ‘fireside chats’ and panel talks on issues of contemporary and emerging relevance.
Science Circle
Founded in 2020, the NLC Science circle aims to hold discussions on the impact of science and innovation across all fields. From experts to beginners, any intellectually curious individual is welcome to join. There will be 8-10 meetings per year each followed by an optional dinner at the Club
Archaeology and Heritage Circle
We seek to expand the circle of interest in domestic archaeology and the heritage of historical sites across the globe. Our goal is to bridge cultural differences through an exchange of learning and ideas. Like the trade routes of antiquity, we hope to foster the curiosities global heritage and encourage the interest of cultural learning via a window into the past.
Our events will include:
• Discussions relating to the new discoveries of archaeological interest within the UK, especially by members who currently work on the excavation and conservation of sites and artefacts.
• Discussions by members or guests who have returned from excavations abroad. This is to allow those who have completed projects abroad to share their experiences and discoveries with members of the club.
• Hold talks and presentations in relation to an area of a member’s archaeological expertise as well as their new discoveries. Members will have a chance to invite academics and specialists as guest speakers to the club.
• Challenge dominant to established historical narratives.
• Organise volunteer excavations onto sites in the UK and possibly abroad. Many archaeological units, especially those associated with universities organise research excavations in which volunteers are encouraged to participate.
• Help current archaeologists or interested members brainstorm new ideas in regards to research topics, publications and how to attract funding for projects.
We understand that this group is in its inception stage and will be a work in progress for the months to come. However, we are dedicated and excited to build this circle into an inclusive, learned and proud antiquities society.
The Diversity & Inclusion Advisory and Consultation Group (DIACG)
The Diversity & Inclusion Advisory and Consultation Group (DIACG) works to advance diversity recruitment and also promotes inclusion.
This is done through co-hosting events with individual CCGs, and generally acting as a resource for club, circles and committees as well as engaging in targeted activities focussed on diversity. The DIACG works mainly in collaboration with the Membership Committee and the Marketing & Communications Committee.
Meditation Circle
Welcome to the Meditation Circle at the National Liberal Club. Introducing a new opportunity to enhance the tranquillity and mindfulness at the National Liberal Club: the Meditation Circle. This initiative aims to create a peaceful and supportive environment for all club members to explore the benefits of meditation and mindfulness.
Join Us for a Journey of Mental Well-being:
The Meditation Circle offers a sanctuary where members can partake in sessions that help reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall mental health. With my expertise as a fully insured and certified instructor in both yoga and meditation, participants are assured of high-quality guidance.
Why Participate?
· Mental Well-being: Experience the transformative power of regular meditation to reduce stress and anxiety, fostering a calmer and more focused mind.
· Community Building: Engage with fellow club members in a nurturing environment that promotes community and mutual support.
· Accessibility: As our sessions are offered free of charge, all members and staff are welcome to join without financial concern, ensuring mental wellness is accessible to everyone.
The Meditation Circle is a wonderful addition to the offerings of the National Liberal Club, promising a beneficial experience that enhances the lives of both members and staff. We invite you to join us on this journey to inner peace and community connection.
Asia Circle
The Asia circle is a small circle hosting many cultural events, including ‘The Year Of The Tiger’ concert, a sell-out Performance of the Goldberg Variations for 100 Audiences, and a very popular recent Jazz concert.
The Asia circle has many exciting events in the pipeline.
Authors’ Club
In January 2014, following a vote of the membership, the Authors’ Club relocated to the National Liberal Club. The move represents a historic homecoming: the Club was based at the NLC between 1968 and 1976, and prior to that its premises were located in the same complex, next door at No. 2, for much of its existence. Past members include George Meredith, Thomas Hardy, J. M. Barrie, Rudyard Kipling, Henry Irving, A. W. Pinero, Bram Stoker, Rider Haggard, P. G. Wodehouse, Arnold Bennett, Ford Madox Ford, H. G. Wells, Lord Dunsany, Compton Mackenzie, Thornton Wilder, C. S. Forester, John Betjeman, Kingsley Amis and John Braine. Guest speakers have included Emile Zola, Mark Twain and T. S. Eliot.
Dutch Circle
The Dutch Circle exists to promote greater links between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands as well as to show there is more to Dutch culture than tulips, windmills and clogs. Made up of a collection of Nederphiles, Dutch expats and other interested parties we are a friendly group, welcoming of all. If Rembrandt, fries with mayonnaise, Dutch directness, Dutch politics and a love of the lowlands sounds like you then please come and join us for some of our evening events.
Film Circle
The Film Group was re-established in 2012 and meets regularly to watch film classics that have a social or political theme.
French Circle
The NLC French Circle meets eight times each year to hold discussions on a wide range of topics. All Francophiles are welcome to join. The meetings are followed by the option to stay for dinner in the Club’s Dining Room.
Le Cercle Français du National Liberal Club se rencontre huit fois par an pour des discussions sur des thèmes variés. Tous les francophiles souhaitant participer sont les bienvenus. Les rencontres sont généralement suivis d’un dîner au restaurant du club.
German Circle
The National Liberal Club has a lively German Circle for members with an interest in the language and culture of Germany, Austria and Switzerland and meet regularly to discuss and debate, in German, their passions for everything Germanic. A number of social events are organised during the year including an asparagus supper and a German BBQ.
Der Nationale Liberal Klub hat einen lebendigen Stammtisch mit Interesse in Sprache und Kultur von deutsch Sprechenden Laendern. Wir treffen uns c. jede sechs Wochen und besprechen aktuelle Themen. Wir organisieren auch einige Veranstaltungen u .a. einen Spargelabend and Grillabend.
Irish Circle
The newly formed Irish Circle celebrates the life and culture of the island of Ireland – the arts, history, economy and politics. We are keen to attract those NLC members from Ireland (North and South), those with an Irish connection and anyone interested in having fun.
Literary Circle
The National Liberal Club has a Literary Circle that meets 8-10 times a year and hosts the Annual Literary Dinner with the Authors’ Club. Our reading selections range across all genres and discussion of the selected books is always lively and provocative.
Opera Circle
The newly formed Opera Circle intends on bringing together those that love opera, and those who are looking to enjoy the most wonderful art form for the first time. We intend to bring world class artists to the NLC but also running talks, panels and attending opera outside of the club. The aim of the circle is to make opera as inclusive as possible with regards to cost and quality. Opera is an art form for everyone to enjoy and my hope is that this circle will make it that bit easier for all to do so.
Spanish Circle
The NLC Spanish Circle is a newly formed circle to host a variety of social and cultural events. This includes hosting exclusive private dinners with special guests, organised during the year for all fans of the Iberian Peninsula as well as Latin America. Everyone is welcome, with no need to speak the language
The Spanish Circle aims to provide unique and special (and fun!) events that encompass the arts, music, literature, cinema, gastronomy, fashion, science, travel, history, sports and other areas.
El Círculo Español NLC (The Spanish Circle) es un círculo recién formado que alberga una variedad de eventos sociales y culturales. Esto incluye cenas privadas exclusivas con invitados especiales, organizadas durante el año para todos los fans de toda la Península Ibérica, así como de América Latina. Todos son bienvenidos, sin necesidad de hablar el idioma
El Círculo Español tiene como objetivo proporcionar eventos únicos y especiales (¡y divertidos!) que abarcan las artes, la música, la literatura, el cine, la gastronomía, la moda, las ciencias, los viajes, la historia, los deportes y muchas otras áreas.
Ukrainian Circle
We are the central focus of the club for members interested in Ukrainian culture and history. We endeavour to foster links between Ukraine and the United Kingdom. We meet socially at the NLC every month, followed every two months by dinner in the Club’s dining room. In addition, we host quarterly memorable and enjoyable events that showcase the arts, music, literature, cinema, cuisine, and fashion of Ukraine – in the pursuit of closer Ukraine-UK relations. The Circle reflects the Club’s values of moderation and inclusiveness, and is open to all.
Hellenic Circle
Date established: 2023
Motivation behind establishing your Circle:
The circle will be dedicated to the study and appreciation of the Hellenic culture, history, language, philosophy, and the classics. Many of the club’s past members have been famous philhellenes, including David Lloyd George, Winston Churchill, and the founding father of the NLC, William Ewart Gladstone.
It will offer the NLC members an opportunity to explore and appreciate this rich cultural heritage and provide a forum to engage with and learn from each other and could facilitate cross-cultural exchange and understanding.
Highlight(s) of the year:
The highlight of the year is the inaugural event, where experts in Greek studies were invited to give a talk about the Greek history, U.K, and Europe. Including, His Excellency, Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to the UK, Yannis Tsaousis; Professor Paul Cartledge: classicist and historian at Cambridge university. President of the Hellenic Studies Society and author of many historical books; and Professor Kevin Featherstone: political science professor from LSE. He is the authors of many papers about Europe and modern Greece. He leads the Hellenic Observatory at LSE.
Sunday Lunch & Heritage Talk Circle
The Sunday Lunch & Heritage Talk Circle meets once a month on a Sunday. The Circle aims to bring NLC members together to gain better understanding of the very vibrant and diverse membership from a range of different backgrounds, heritage & professions. Please contact Semra for more information at sen.nlc.slheritagetc@gmail.com
Theatre & Arts Circle
Founded in 2018, The Theatre & Arts Circle is the NLC’s largest and most active special interest group, with over 300 members and over 30 events every year. These include visits to operas, plays, ballets, musicals, concerts, museums, and art galleries. We also have monthly screenings in The Naoroji Room of recorded performances and host Drawing for Fun evenings at the club.
Although most of our events are in Central London, we regularly visit venues outside the West End, such as The Mill Theatre in Sonning, Wilton’s in Docklands, Greenwich Theatre, Sadler’s Wells and Dulwich Art Gallery. We often negotiate discounts for our members and over 50% of our activities are free. Suggestions for future events are always very welcome.
Asia Circle
The Asia circle is a small circle hosting many cultural events, including ‘The Year Of The Tiger’ concert, a sell-out Performance of the Goldberg Variations for 100 Audiences, and a very popular recent Jazz concert.
The Asia circle has many exciting events in the pipeline.
Archaeology and Heritage Circle
We seek to expand the circle of interest in domestic archaeology and the heritage of historical sites across the globe. Our goal is to bridge cultural differences through an exchange of learning and ideas. Like the trade routes of antiquity, we hope to foster the curiosities global heritage and encourage the interest of cultural learning via a window into the past.
Our events will include:
• Discussions relating to the new discoveries of archaeological interest within the UK, especially by members who currently work on the excavation and conservation of sites and artefacts.
• Discussions by members or guests who have returned from excavations abroad. This is to allow those who have completed projects abroad to share their experiences and discoveries with members of the club.
• Hold talks and presentations in relation to an area of a member’s archaeological expertise as well as their new discoveries. Members will have a chance to invite academics and specialists as guest speakers to the club.
• Challenge dominant to established historical narratives.
• Organise volunteer excavations onto sites in the UK and possibly abroad. Many archaeological units, especially those associated with universities organise research excavations in which volunteers are encouraged to participate.
• Help current archaeologists or interested members brainstorm new ideas in regards to research topics, publications and how to attract funding for projects.
We understand that this group is in its inception stage and will be a work in progress for the months to come. However, we are dedicated and excited to build this circle into an inclusive, learned and proud antiquities society.
Dutch Circle
The Dutch Circle exists to promote greater links between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands as well as to show there is more to Dutch culture than tulips, windmills and clogs. Made up of a collection of Nederphiles, Dutch expats and other interested parties we are a friendly group, welcoming of all. If Rembrandt, fries with mayonnaise, Dutch directness, Dutch politics and a love of the lowlands sounds like you then please come and join us for some of our evening events.
French Circle
The NLC French Circle meets eight times each year to hold discussions on a wide range of topics. All Francophiles are welcome to join. The meetings are followed by the option to stay for dinner in the Club’s Dining Room.
Le Cercle Français du National Liberal Club se rencontre huit fois par an pour des discussions sur des thèmes variés. Tous les francophiles souhaitant participer sont les bienvenus. Les rencontres sont généralement suivis d’un dîner au restaurant du club.
German Circle
The National Liberal Club has a lively German Circle for members with an interest in the language and culture of Germany, Austria and Switzerland and meet regularly to discuss and debate, in German, their passions for everything Germanic. A number of social events are organised during the year including an asparagus supper and a German BBQ.
Der Nationale Liberal Klub hat einen lebendigen Stammtisch mit Interesse in Sprache und Kultur von deutsch Sprechenden Laendern. Wir treffen uns c. jede sechs Wochen und besprechen aktuelle Themen. Wir organisieren auch einige Veranstaltungen u .a. einen Spargelabend and Grillabend.
Irish Circle
The newly formed Irish Circle celebrates the life and culture of the island of Ireland – the arts, history, economy and politics. We are keen to attract those NLC members from Ireland (North and South), those with an Irish connection and anyone interested in having fun.
Spanish Circle
The NLC Spanish Circle is a newly formed circle to host a variety of social and cultural events. This includes hosting exclusive private dinners with special guests, organised during the year for all fans of the Iberian Peninsula as well as Latin America. Everyone is welcome, with no need to speak the language
The Spanish Circle aims to provide unique and special (and fun!) events that encompass the arts, music, literature, cinema, gastronomy, fashion, science, travel, history, sports and other areas.
El Círculo Español NLC (The Spanish Circle) es un círculo recién formado que alberga una variedad de eventos sociales y culturales. Esto incluye cenas privadas exclusivas con invitados especiales, organizadas durante el año para todos los fans de toda la Península Ibérica, así como de América Latina. Todos son bienvenidos, sin necesidad de hablar el idioma
El Círculo Español tiene como objetivo proporcionar eventos únicos y especiales (¡y divertidos!) que abarcan las artes, la música, la literatura, el cine, la gastronomía, la moda, las ciencias, los viajes, la historia, los deportes y muchas otras áreas.
Ukrainian Circle
We are the central focus of the club for members interested in Ukrainian culture and history. We endeavour to foster links between Ukraine and the United Kingdom. We meet socially at the NLC every month, followed every two months by dinner in the Club’s dining room. In addition, we host quarterly memorable and enjoyable events that showcase the arts, music, literature, cinema, cuisine, and fashion of Ukraine – in the pursuit of closer Ukraine-UK relations. The Circle reflects the Club’s values of moderation and inclusiveness, and is open to all.
Hellenic Circle
Date established: 2023
Motivation behind establishing your Circle:
The circle will be dedicated to the study and appreciation of the Hellenic culture, history, language, philosophy, and the classics. Many of the club’s past members have been famous philhellenes, including David Lloyd George, Winston Churchill, and the founding father of the NLC, William Ewart Gladstone.
It will offer the NLC members an opportunity to explore and appreciate this rich cultural heritage and provide a forum to engage with and learn from each other and could facilitate cross-cultural exchange and understanding.
Highlight(s) of the year:
The highlight of the year is the inaugural event, where experts in Greek studies were invited to give a talk about the Greek history, U.K, and Europe. Including, His Excellency, Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to the UK, Yannis Tsaousis; Professor Paul Cartledge: classicist and historian at Cambridge university. President of the Hellenic Studies Society and author of many historical books; and Professor Kevin Featherstone: political science professor from LSE. He is the authors of many papers about Europe and modern Greece. He leads the Hellenic Observatory at LSE.
Italian Circle
The Italian circle brings together the uncontrollable passion of operatic music, the delights of a rich, extravagant and exquisite cuisine (of both food and wine), alongside the enthralling sporting rivalries both within Football and Formula One at the foremost and most importantly the amazing unique Balleric language, whether that be on film, poetry, or the spoken word to the National Liberal Club. We are the place for passionate Italophile NLC Members to meet and share their love of the Italian culture and we hold at least 2 events each year alongside the opportunity to just meet and converse socially in Italian.
Sunday Lunch & Heritage Talk Circle
The Sunday Lunch & Heritage Talk Circle meets once a month on a Sunday. The Circle aims to bring NLC members together to gain better understanding of the very vibrant and diverse membership from a range of different backgrounds, heritage & professions. Please contact Semra for more information at sen.nlc.slheritagetc@gmail.com